How VelaShape III Maximizing Fat Dissolving Results!

Absolutely! When it comes to achieving your desired goals, combining treatments like Velashape III with fat dissolving procedures can indeed enhance and optimize your results. Let’s delve into how Velashape III works and how it can complement fat dissolving treatments like lipolysis or injections.

Velashape III: This innovative treatment combines several technologies, including infrared light, bi-polar radiofrequency, and vacuum suction massage, to target stubborn cellulite and improve skin texture. Here’s how it can enhance your fat dissolving results:

  1. Cellulite Reduction: Velashape’s combination of infrared light and radiofrequency energy penetrates deep into the skin, targeting cellulite deposits and promoting collagen production. By smoothing out cellulite and tightening the skin, Velashape can complement the effects of fat dissolving treatments, providing a smoother and more contoured appearance.
  2. Lymphatic Drainage: The vacuum suction massage component of Velashape helps stimulate lymphatic drainage, aiding in the removal of fat cell debris and toxins from the treated area. This can improve circulation and accelerate the body’s natural elimination of fat cells targeted by fat dissolving treatments.
  3. Skin Tightening: In addition to reducing cellulite, Velashape’s heating and massage action can also promote skin tightening. This is particularly beneficial after fat dissolving treatments, as it helps prevent sagging or loose skin in areas where fat cells have been targeted and eliminated.


  • Safety: While combining treatments can be safe and effective when performed by trained professionals, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen procedures are compatible and do not pose any increased risk of adverse effects.
  • Recovery: Depending on the specific treatments received, you may experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or bruising. Be sure to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your aesthetic provider to optimize recovery and minimize discomfort.
  • Cost: Combining treatments may incur additional costs compared to undergoing each procedure separately. However, many clinics offer package deals or discounted rates for bundled treatments, making it a cost-effective option for achieving your desired results.

Personalized Treatment Plans: It’s important to note that the effectiveness of combining Velashape 3 with fat dissolving treatments may vary depending on individual factors such as skin elasticity, treatment areas, and desired outcomes. A consultation with a qualified aesthetic professional, like those at Belle Clinic, can help assess your unique needs and tailor a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your body contouring goals effectively and safely.

Incorporating Velashape III into your fat reduction regimen can indeed improve the overall outcome by targeting cellulite, promoting skin tightening, and enhancing body contour. With personalized treatment plans and the expertise of professionals at Belle Clinic, you can achieve smoother, tighter, and more sculpted results that leave you feeling confident and fabulous!

Can You Combine Velashape and Fat Dissolving Treatments in a Single Session? Exploring the Benefits of Dual Treatment

Combining Treatments for Optimal Results: By incorporating Velashape into your fat reduction regimen, you can potentially enhance the overall outcome of your treatment plan. While fat dissolving procedures focus on reducing localized fat deposits, Velashape targets cellulite, tightens the skin, and improves overall body contour, resulting in a more comprehensive and sculpted appearance.

Combining multiple treatments in a single session, such as undergoing both fat dissolving and Velashape procedures on the same day, is a common practice in many aesthetic clinics, including Belle Clinic. Let’s explore the potential benefits and considerations of having these treatments performed together:

1. Time Efficiency: One of the primary advantages of combining treatments is the convenience of addressing multiple concerns in a single session. For individuals with busy schedules or limited availability, being able to undergo both fat dissolving and Velashape procedures in one visit can save time and minimize the number of appointments required.

2. Enhanced Results: When performed together, fat dissolving and Velashape treatments can complement each other, leading to more comprehensive and noticeable results. While fat dissolving procedures target specific areas of localized fat deposits, Velashape addresses cellulite, tightens the skin, and improves overall body contour. By combining these treatments, you can achieve a smoother, more sculpted appearance with reduced cellulite and improved skin texture.

3. Synergistic Effects: Some studies suggest that combining different modalities for body contouring may produce synergistic effects, resulting in greater fat reduction and skin tightening compared to using each treatment alone. The heat and massage action of Velashape, for example, may enhance the breakdown and elimination of fat cells targeted by fat dissolving injections or lipolysis.

4. Personalized Treatment Plans: The decision to undergo multiple treatments in a single session should be based on individual factors such as treatment goals, overall health, and the recommendation of your aesthetic provider. A thorough consultation with a qualified professional at Belle Clinic will help determine the most suitable treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and expectations.


  • Safety: While combining treatments can be safe and effective when performed by trained professionals, it’s essential to ensure that the chosen procedures are compatible and do not pose any increased risk of adverse effects.
  • Recovery: Depending on the specific treatments received, you may experience temporary side effects such as redness, swelling, or bruising. Be sure to follow post-treatment care instructions provided by your aesthetic provider to optimize recovery and minimize discomfort.
  • Cost: Combining treatments may incur additional costs compared to undergoing each procedure separately. However, many clinics offer package deals or discounted rates for bundled treatments, making it a cost-effective option for achieving your desired results.

Combining fat dissolving and Velashape treatments on the same day can offer time-saving benefits, enhanced results, and synergistic effects for achieving your body contouring goals. With personalized treatment plans and the expertise of professionals at Belle Clinic, you can undergo these procedures safely and effectively to achieve the sculpted, toned appearance you desire.

Ready to embark on your journey to a slimmer, smoother silhouette? Let’s chat about your personalized treatment plan! BOOK US