Anti-Wrinkle Injection

Discover the efficacy of Anti-Wrinkle Botox Treatment, a proven method to achieve facial muscle smoothing. With over two decades of successful utilization in both the UK and the US, these treatments offer reliable solutions for combating wrinkles and fine lines. Learn more below.


Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Anti-wrinkle/Botulinum Toxin treatment, commonly referred to as Botox, is a cosmetic procedure that involves injecting a neurotoxin derived from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum into targeted muscles to temporarily paralyze them. By inhibiting muscle contractions, Botox effectively reduces the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, particularly those caused by repetitive facial movements such as smiling or frowning. This treatment is commonly used to smooth out forehead lines, crow’s feet, and frown lines between the eyebrows. Botox injections are administered by qualified medical professionals and are considered a safe and minimally invasive way to achieve a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.

anti-wrinkle has been used for a variety of medical conditions including blepharospasm and muscle spasticity for over 20 years.  

By using the treatment in the facial muscles, e.g. glabella, wrinkles are prevented, as they are a direct results of contracting forehead, eye and mouth muscles.

Facial Anti-Wrinkle Treatment Areas:

  • Glabellar Lines (Frown)
  • Crow’s Feet Lines
  • Infra-periorbital lines (Extension of Crow’s Feet)
  • Brow Lift (using Glabella and Crow’s Feet combined)
  • Gummy Smile
  • Chin dimples
  • Jaw slimmer
  • Neck lift
  • Lip flip
  • Relaxing masseter clenching & grinding teeth

Face Diagram Updated

Common treatment areas

What types of wrinkles are there

Wrinkles on the forehead most commonly appear in two ways:As vertical lines just above the nose, often referred to as “the elevens”; or horizontal rows across the forehead. The “elevens”, or glabellar lines, result from squinting, scowling, worrying or just plain thinking.
The horizontal lines may result from normal animation while talking, or from holding the brows up with the primary muscle of the forehead (the frontalis) during times of stress, or just naturally. These lines are primarily the result of continual muscle contraction and can become very deep over time.

How do I prepare for Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Do nothing differently, just go about your normal activities as you would normally.

Who can have Anti-Wrinkle Treatment

Anti-wrinkle Treatment can be used for treating wrinkles in men and women, however men often need slightly higher doses than women.

antiaging beauty treatment

Who should not have Anti wrinkle treatment

  • People with infection at the proposed injection site.
  • People who have previously had an allergic reaction to anti-wrinkle type A injections.
  • People with muscle problems or chronic diseases affecting the muscles, such as Myasthenia Gravis, Eaton Lambert syndrome.
  • Children under the age of 18 years.
  • Women who are pregnant or breast feeding.

How does anti-wrinkle work?

This anti-ageing treatment is often prescribed by doctors to eliminate wrinkles in the upper third of the face. This includes forehead lines, frown lines between the eyebrows and crows’ feet around the eyes. Very fine needles are used so there is very little discomfort and you can resume most of your usual activities immediately after treatment.

At Belle Clinic all treatments are performing by a registered Nurse.

How many treatment sessions will I need

Anti-wrinkle works within a few days but can take as long as 14-21 days for the full paralysing effects to show through. Anti-wrinkle injections are not permanent, so we recommend repeat treatments at 3-6 monthly intervals to maintain the effects.
Thousands of these treatments are performed every year – noticeable from 2-14 days afterwards and lasting several months. To complement the lasting results of the treatment, we recommend the use of SPF30 sun protection cream, available at all pharmacists.
Over time, with regular treatments, the muscles will get thinner and weaken, which means they are less able to create the wrinkles in the first place.  This side effect is particularly useful for treating overactive muscles that have become too bulky over time such as in the jaw area. It is also why botox is used in the medical profession to treat muscle spasticities and over-active trigger points such as in chronic muscular pain and headaches & migraines.

Are there side effects of Anti-Wrinkle

The pain associated with injections is mild and no local anaesthetic is required.  The needles used are very fine and approximately the same diameter as coarse human hair.
You will be able to drive and engage in all of your usual daily activities immediately after your injections. You may develop slight bruising at the injection sites, but otherwise there will be no visible signs of your skincare treatment.
In rare cases, the injections can migrate to nearby muscles, causing some weakness, such as drooping of the upper eyelid. This is a temporary side effect, lasting for a few weeks at most.

Anti-wrinkle injections may on occasions be prescribed for the management of excess sweating; in a small number of cases, there is no discernible effect; unfortunately this is impossible to predict before treatment commences.

The anti-wrinkle review is included within our treatments. The review is required within 2 weeks from the treatment date. Underarms sweating is excloded the free review.

Note: If an above average dosage is required there will be a £20 surcharge for 1 area and £40 for 2 or more areas. This can apply to men or women with stronger than average facial muscles.

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Forehead, First anti-wrinkle Treatment, Result After 1 Week.


“My first botulinum-toxin treatment done at Belle Clinic. Very happy with result. it shows after 1 week roughly. No pain, very comfortable. The result was more than my expectation. Highly recommended.”

Treatment review is included within our treatments. Botulinum-toxin review is required within 2 weeks from the treatment date. Underarms sweating is excloded the free review.

Note: If an above average dosage is required there will be a £30 surcharge for 1 area and £60 for 2 or more areas. This can apply to men or women with stronger than average facial muscles.


First Treatment, Result After 1 Week.

Results may vary from person to person based on body size and other factors

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